Enhance Your Photos With Online Photo Editors


If you have a picture that is perfect except for that one little thing, be it red-eye or a prankster in the background, this article will help you find tools to remove those imperfections. To enhance your picture and remove unwanted sections, you will have to use image editing software. Using image editing software is neither as complicated or expensive as it sounds. In fact, it is free. First we will cover the two most common uses for basic image editing.
Cropping a photo means that you are taking a selected section of the photo and removing the rest. With cropping you can center and frame your image without stretching the original image.
Red-Eye Removal
Most photo editors have a tool to remove red-eye. You will just select the red-eye tool, select the red-eye in the photo, and the red-eye tool will get rid of the red-eye. Here are some sites where you can edit your photo for free.
Picnik is our favorite online image editing tool. Simple, elegant, and easy to use, Picnik is a great tool for first time beginners and experienced editors. Some advanced features are restricted on free accounts, but in most cases you won't need them. You can find the Picnik editor at Picnik.com.
FotoFlexer is perfect if you want to add animations or effects. If you do not have alot of experience, this is a great place to start. You can visit the site at fotoflexer.com.
Adobe Photoshop Online
Photoshop online is an online version of the industry standard Photoshop desktop image editing program. If you register to create an account, you will be able to use many of the same features the professionals use. If you are serious about image editing, this is the place for you. Adobe Photoshop Online can be found at photoshop.com. Each of these image editors have a free option and can get you on your way to editing photos in no time.
Rick Stephenson is a proud maker of Custom Posters and a student of canvas printing

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4382798

Family Picnic And Games


There is no need to plan some extravagant activities or food. In fact, let the kids do most of the planning. By giving each child their own task, they will learn to take on some responsibility. They will enjoy the day much more than simply being taken on a picnic. Make each task age appropriate. For instance, kids younger than 5 years old may be best equipped to pack the drinks in a cool pack or help collect up some outdoor sports equipment (plastic bucket and shove, soccer ball, etc). The older kids can help with creating the menu. This can virtually stop the complaints about some food they don't like. You may want to offer some suggestions for the menu. Give them an outline with the four food groups and let them figure out the selections that fit each group.
Games can help run off some energy and convey a sense of freedom for the older kids. The activities can be simple as playing catch (football or baseball), throwing a frisbee or playing fetch with the family dog. A kite is always a favorite and is really appreciated when it takes off into the sky. You can also plan a more structured time for games such as the three legged race or the egg and spoon race. Another easy game is the wheelbarrow race.
Most city parks now have a play scape area. This can be a huge hit with the younger kids. Make sure you do a little climbing and sliding yourself. You will bond like crazy by being part of their world for awhile.
You may want to bring a change of clothes for everyone. That way if someone gets wet or finds that special mud puddle, it will not ruin the day. Sunscreen and insect repellent are always a good idea. Remember the camera, as you will want to remember these time and share the memories with the kids and grandkids later on.
Visit our website at http://familynightactivities.com for more ideas on quality family activities

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4088698
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